Can't Sign in to Dreemar Admin
If you can't sign in to your Dreemar account, follow the instructions for help getting back in to your account.
To reset your password:
- Click Forgot your password? in the Dreemar Admin's log-in page.
- Enter your email address associated to your Dreemar account and click Submit.
- Access your email's inbox and look for an email from and with subject of Reset Dreemar's account password.
- Reset your password as prompted.

- Password reset email will only be sent to the email account registered to Dreemar. This means that if you entered a different email address not registered to Dreemar in the Forgot your password? page and it prompted you Forgot password confirmation: Please check your email to reset your password, you will still not receive the password reset email.
- Password reset link is only valid for 7 days from the time of request.
- In setting up a new password, it must be at least 6 and at a max of 100 characters.